This page lists educational technology available to all or most divisions. Visit your Teaching and Learning Center’s website to learn about the specific applications available in each division along with requests for user support.
Ally automatically checks course content and files uploaded by instructors for accessibility issues and allow students to download content in different formats to meet their unique needs.
AEFIS (Assessment, Evaluation, Feedback & Intervention System) is an assessment management platform that includes solutions for syllabus management, curriculum mapping, course/program learning outcome(s) assessment, and more.
Canvas is a learning management system (LMS) that allows instructors to organize and deliver course content to students whether face to face, online, or in a blended learning setting. Instructors use Canvas to facilitate learning and share resources with students. A Canvas course site provides a consistent method of delivering course content, where the amount of interface customizations are minimized in an effort to streamline content creation and delivery
Course Surveys – Administered by Faculty
Instructors who want to conduct pre-semester, early-semester, or mid-semester surveys to collect important information or feedback from students can use tools like Microsoft Forms or Qualtrics.
Course Evaluations & Surveys – Administered by School
Formerly known as EvaluationKit, the following page describes the approach to capturing and analyzing student feedback integrated directly in participating Canvas courses.
Deliver course materials in electronic format to enrolled students in a stable environment.
Gradescope is an online grading platform that is used by instructors and teachings assistants to make the grading process easier and more efficient.
Microsoft OneDrive
Facilitate collaborative assignments with OneDrive content.
Microsoft Teams Classes
Chat-based collaboration, file sharing, and online class meetings.
NameCoach Recording Tool
Used to voice record the preferred pronunciation of names.
Panopto is a cloud-based video platform with tools for recording, editing, and sharing lecture videos and slides. Panopto’s Canvas integration simplifies the process for creating videos in a course, uploading existing videos into a course, and sharing videos with students in a course. Panopto also allows faculty to create assignments, quizzes, and special folders for students to submit and share videos in a course.
Respondus LockDown Browser and Monitor
Respondus provides two tools to help faculty remotely proctor tests published in Canvas
Starfish is used by multiple divisions to allow faculty to communicate concerns about students by raising flags associated with student attendance, academic performance, or mental health concerns.
Turnitin is integrated with Canvas assignments allowing you to check your students’ work for originality. Turnitin generates an Originality Report that shows matches from the internet, journals, previous JHU student submissions, and student papers from around the world.
VoiceThread is web-based presentation software that allows users to create and share interactive multimedia slideshows. VoiceThread presentations are used to showcase audio, video, images, and documents while allowing users to comment on them in a variety of different ways. The result is a digital conversation that can be easily shared with individuals, groups, and/or embedded into different websites, including Canvas, the learning management system used here at Johns Hopkins.
Zoom is the University’s web-conferencing and online, synchronous lecture tool. Faculty can also record lectures to share with students asynchronously.
Last updated 4/6/23